Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Check Fee Structure, Admission Process, Teachers Salary And Review

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Dhirubhai Ambani International School: Dhirubhai Ambani International School, generally known as Tribune, is a prestigious academy located in Mumbai, India. It was established with the vision of furnishing quality education that fosters holistic development in scholars. The academy is named after the famed Indian industrialist, Dhirubhai Ambani, and is known for its commitment to academic excellence and values. The academy offers a different and enriching literacy terrain that caters to scholars from colorful backgrounds. tribune focuses on a well-rounded education, encompassing academics, sports, trades, and character development.

The faculty at Tribune is devoted and educated, seeking to nurture the bents and eventuality of each pupil. For specific details such as the figure structure, admission process, preceptors’ payment, and prints, it’s recommended to visit the sanctioned website of Dhirubhai Ambani International School or communicate with the academy directly. The website contains comprehensive information about the academy’s programs, classes, and admission procedures. However, reaching out to the academy administration would be the most dependable way to gain accurate and over-to-date information, If you have any specific inquiries.

Dhirubhai Ambani International School

Dhirubhai Ambani International School

Dhirubhai Ambani International School, or DAIS, is a cool school in Mumbai, India. It’s named after a famous guy, Dhirubhai Ambani, who did big things in business. The school’s all about giving students a great education and helping them grow into awesome people.

At DAIS, they care about not just books and exams, but also sports, arts, and making sure you learn good values. The teachers there are like superheroes – they teach with passion and want to bring out the best in each student.

If you want to know about things like how much it costs, how to get in, or what the teachers earn, it’s best to check out the school’s official website or get in touch with them directly. They’ll have all the nitty-gritty details. Oh, and they probably have some cool pictures of the school and the fun stuff students

Dhirubhai Ambani International School Highlight Points

NameDhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS)
LocationMumbai, India
FounderNamed after Dhirubhai Ambani, the renowned industrialist
Established2003; 20 years ago
FocusHolistic education, including academics, sports, and arts
PhilosophyCommitment to academic excellence and values
Learning EnvironmentDiverse and enriching
FacultyDedicated and experienced teachers
CurriculumWell-rounded, emphasizing overall development
Admission ProcessCheck the official website or contact the school directly
Moto“Dare to Dream, Learn to Excel”

Dhirubhai Ambani International School Fees

The fees at Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS) vary depending on the grade level and chosen curriculum. Here’s a breakdown in simple terms:

Primary School (Nursery to Class 5)

  • Average annual fee: Rs. 50,000 (approx.)
  • Think of it like the cost of a nice family vacation in a hill station.

Secondary School (Classes 6 to 10)

  • ICSE curriculum: Rs. 1,70,000 (approx.) per year, or Rs. 14,000 per month.
  • Imagine spending roughly the cost of a mid-range sedan on your child’s education every year.
  • IGCSE curriculum: Rs. 5.9 lakh (approx.) per year, or Rs. 49,000 per month.
  • This is equivalent to the price of a luxury car, but with the investment going towards your child’s future.

Higher Secondary School (Classes 11 and 12)

  • IB Diploma Program: Rs. 9.65 lakh (approx.) per year, or Rs. 80,000 per month.
  • This is like putting down a hefty down payment on a house, but the “house” in this case is your child’s academic potential and future opportunities.

Remember, these are just estimates, and the actual fees may vary depending on additional charges and discounts.

Here’s a quick comparison:

  • Primary: Think of it as a comfortable investment in your child’s early education.
  • Secondary (ICSE): Comparable to the cost of a good private school, but with added facilities and resources.
  • Secondary (IGCSE): Premium education, like a first-class flight to a dream destination.
  • Higher Secondary (IB): High-end education, like a luxury cruise to broaden your child’s horizons.

Dhirubhai Ambani International School Admission Process?

Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS) typically involves several steps. However, please note that admission processes can change, and it’s essential to refer to the school’s official website or directly contact the school for the most up-to-date information. Here is a general overview:

  1. Online Application:
    • Start by visiting the official website of DAIS, where you may find the admission section.
    • Complete the online application form with accurate and necessary details.
  2. Submission of Documents:
    • Prepare the required documents, which may include:
      • Birth certificate of the child.
      • Passport-size photographs.
      • Previous school report cards (if applicable).
      • Transfer certificate (if transferring from another school).
      • Proof of residence.
  3. Entrance Test/Assessment:
    • Depending on the grade level, students may be required to undergo an entrance test or assessment to evaluate their academic readiness.
  4. Interaction/Interview:
    • Parents and students may be called for an interaction or interview as part of the admission process. This is an opportunity for the school to understand the student’s interests and the family’s expectations.
  5. Admission Decision:
    • The school will communicate the admission decision to the parents after reviewing the application, test results, and interview.
  6. Payment of Fees:
    • If the student is accepted, parents will need to pay the admission fees and any other applicable charges within the specified time frame to secure admission.
  7. Orientation Program:
    • Once the admission is confirmed, schools often conduct an orientation program to familiarize new students and parents with the school’s policies, facilities, and staff.

It’s crucial to check the school’s official website for specific details, important dates, and any changes to the admission process. Additionally, contacting the school directly can provide you with personalized guidance and the most accurate information for your child’s admission.

Top 10 Most Expensive Education Degrees in India

Dhirubhai Ambani International School Teachers Salary

  1. Variability in Preceptor Salaries:
    • Salaries for preceptors at Dhirubhai Ambani International School vary based on experience, qualifications, and responsibilities.
  2. Glassdoor Data:
    • According to Glassdoor, the average annual salary for preceptors is ₹10.5 lakhs at Dhirubhai Ambani International School.
  3. Salary Range:
    • However, individual hires can fall within the range of ₹3 lakhs to ₹16.9 lakhs.
  4. Experience-Based Breakdown:
    • Entry-level preceptors: ₹3 lakhs to ₹5 lakhs
    • Mid-level preceptors: ₹5 lakhs to ₹10 lakhs
    • Senior-level preceptors: ₹10 lakhs to ₹16.9 lakhs
  5. Impact of Experience and Qualifications:
    • More experienced, highly qualified, and those in leadership positions tend to earn higher salaries.
  6. Illustrative Examples:
    • A teacher with a master’s degree and 10 years of experience might earn around ₹12 lakhs.
    • A teacher with a doctorate and 20 years of experience might earn around ₹16 lakhs.
  7. Additional Benefits:
    • In addition to the base salary, preceptors may receive benefits like medical insurance, a pension plan, leave benefits, and professional development opportunities.
  8. Competitive Environment:
    • Dhirubhai Ambani International School is known for its strong reputation in academic excellence, making it competitive in hiring top-quality preceptors.
  9. Attracting and Retaining Talent:
    • The school’s competitive salaries and additional benefits contribute to its ability to attract and retain high-quality teaching staff.
  10. Comparison with Other Schools:
    • The school’s salary offerings are competitive with other leading private schools in India.

Is Dhirubhai Ambani International School Expensive?

  1. Cost Comparison with Other Private Schools in India:
    • Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS) is generally more expensive than most private schools in India.
    • The average annual fee for primary school is around Rs. 50,000, while secondary school, especially for the IB program, can go up to Rs. 9.65 lakh.
    • This is considerably higher than the typical cost of private education in India, which is around Rs. 1-2 lakh per year.
  2. Comparison with Other International Schools in India:
    • In comparison to other international schools in India, DAIS is on the higher end of the spectrum but not the most expensive.
    • Some international schools may charge over Rs. 15 lakh per year for secondary education.
    • However, many international schools provide literacy and financial aid, making them more accessible to a broader range of families.
  3. Consideration of Mumbai’s Cost of Living:
    • Mumbai has a high cost of living, and this is reflected in the education cost at DAIS.
    • The expenses for accommodation, transportation, and other essentials are high, so the overall cost of education should be factored into your budget.
  4. Exclusive Nature of DAIS:
    • DAIS is considered a high-end, exclusive school with a corresponding price tag.
    • However, it offers world-class education with excellent facilities, experienced teachers, and a strong intellectual reputation.
  5. Decision Factors:
    • Your child’s academic needs and capabilities: DAIS is academically challenging, and your child should be prepared for a rigorous academic environment.
    • Your financial situation: Can you afford the cost of education without significant sacrifices?
    • Your values: DAIS emphasizes global citizenship and social responsibility. Do these values align with your own?
  6. Personal Decision:
    • Ultimately, the decision to send your child to DAIS is a personal one.
    • Consider factors such as your child’s academic readiness, your financial capacity, and whether the school’s values resonate with your own.

How Many Dhirubhai Ambani International School?

There’s only one Dhirubhai Ambani International School, located in Mumbai, India. It was established in 2003 by Nita Ambani, the woman of the late Indian industrialist Dhirubhai Ambani, and is known for its high academic norms and world-class installations.

Image of Dhirubhai Ambani International School, MumbaiOpens in a new window
.www.dais.edu. in
Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Mumbai
The academy offers education from kindergarten to grade 12 and follows three different classes ICSE, IGCSE, and IB Diploma Programme. It has a different pupil body of over 1,000 scholars from over 30 countries.

Dhirubhai Ambani International School is constantly ranked as one of the top seminaries in India and has been honored for its innovative tutoring styles, strong academic performance, and commitment to social responsibility.
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Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS) isn’t tied to just one board, but offers a choice of three! Imagine having different delicious flavors of ice cream to pick from, each with its unique taste and experience. That’s what DAIS does with education. Here’s the scoop on each board:

  • ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education): This is a popular board in India, known for its strong focus on Indian culture and values. Think of it as the classic vanilla ice cream – familiar, comforting, and widely loved.
  • IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education): This international board offers a more global perspective, with subjects like world literature and international relations. It’s like a scoop of mint chocolate chip – refreshing, exciting, and with a hint of something different.
  • IB Diploma Programme (IBDP): This is the most challenging and prestigious of the three, preparing students for top universities worldwide. Imagine it as a decadent dark chocolate gelato – intense, rewarding, and for those who truly appreciate the finer things.

So, which board is “related” to DAIS? It depends on what kind of educational experience you’re looking for! DAIS provides the flexibility to choose the board that best fits your child’s needs and aspirations. It’s like having a personalized ice cream sundae – you can mix and match flavors to create your perfect combination.

Dhirubhai Ambani International School Review

Dhirubhai Ambani International School, also known as DAIS, is a fancy school in Mumbai, India. It was started in 2003 by Nita Ambani, who was married to the famous Indian businessman Dhirubhai Ambani.


  1. High Academic Standards:
    • DAIS is famous for its tough academics, meaning students get a really good education with high expectations.
  2. Diverse Student Body:
    • The school has kids from over 30 countries, making it a cool place with a mix of cultures and ideas.
  3. World-Class Facilities:
    • DAIS has awesome facilities like a great library, smart classrooms, art rooms, and sports fields. It’s like a high-tech learning paradise.
  4. Varied Extracurricular Programs:
    • There are lots of cool activities beyond regular classes, like sports, clubs, and creative stuff.
  5. Social Responsibility:
    • The school encourages students to do good things for the community, teaching them about social responsibility.


  1. High Cost:
    • Going to DAIS can be expensive because it’s a private school.
  2. Academic Pressure:
    • The school is tough, and kids might feel stressed to do really well in their studies.
  3. Competition:
    • Since it’s a top school, there’s a bit of competition among students, and that might make some kids feel pressured.

Conclusion: DAIS is a fantastic school with top-notch education and a diverse environment. But, it’s important to think about the high cost and the pressure on students before deciding if it’s the right fit for your child.

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FAQs: Dhirubhai Ambani International School

How do I apply for admission to Dhirubhai Ambani International School?

You can apply for admission by visiting the school’s official website and completing the online application form. Ensure that you follow the specified admission process outlined on the website.

What documents are required for the admission process?

Typically, you may need documents such as the child’s birth certificate, passport-size photographs, previous school report cards, transfer certificate (if applicable), and proof of residence. Check the school’s website for a comprehensive list.

Is there an entrance test for admission?

Depending on the grade level, an entrance test or assessment may be required to evaluate the student’s academic readiness.

Are parents and students interviewed during the admission process?

Yes, there may be an interaction or interview as part of the admission process. This provides an opportunity for the school to understand the student’s interests and the family’s expectations.

How will I be notified of the admission decision?

The school will communicate the admission decision to parents after reviewing the application, test results, and interview. This communication is often done through email or an official letter.

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